Maximize Your Media Interviews and Boost Your Book Sales

Guided by an Oprah Show Veteran, discover the secrets to powerful media interviews. Skyrocket book sales, cultivate a devoted audience, establish trust, and create a lasting impact in the world.

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Have you been struggling to help others see your nonfiction book's full potential?


You've poured your heart and soul into crafting your written masterpiece. Now comes the most challenging part - stepping out to face the world to share your experience. 

Your readers are eager to meet you, learn more about you as a person and listen to you impart your knowledge, ideas, and skills.

But the thought of facing the Media leaves you feeling nervous and unsure how to best prepare and deliver outstanding interviews.

You've already started appearing on podcasts but you are not getting increased book sales.

I know why...

Lack of preparation is usually the culprit for disappointing, unsuccessful, awkward, challenging Media interviews.

Until now...


Profitable Publicity


It's time to be Media-ready and seize the spotlight your book truly deserves.

Profitable Publicity is the behind-the-scenes knowledge you need to help elevate your Media interviews to new heights. You'll discover the secrets and strategies that drive exceptional results, transforming your media presence into a profitable venture. Just picture yourself in an interview that solidifies your authority, boosts credibility, creates passionate fans, and generates book sales!


Media Success has incredible power to:

  • Increase your book sales
  • Propel you into Bestselling Author status
  • Launch or grow your speaking career
  • Attract attention from publishers and agents for future books
  • Boost your prestige and self-confidence, showcasing your true potential
  • Spotlight your talent and expertise, captivating audiences
  • Reach new readers and broader audiences with your message
  • Increase your income through strategic publicity


Seize this opportunity now to harness the full potential of Media success!


Boost your prestige and self-confidence by showcasing your true potential to the world

You didn't become an author by sitting idle; you're an action-taker, eager to make a difference. As a nonfiction author, you share your valuable experiences, offering wisdom to help others learn from your journey. Congratulations on writing your book!

But here's the truth – your next step is publicity. It shouldn't be passive either. That's where Profitable Publicity comes in teaching you how to incorporate 5 essential elements to successful and profitable media interviews.

If you wrote a book with the intention of helping others and sharing your transformative journey, then Profitable Publicity is your ultimate partner to amplify your impact in the media landscape.

 Discover media success with Profitable Publicity: unlock book sales, elevate credibility, and expand your audience!

This transformative program empowers authors to ace Media interviews and prove the naysayers wrong. By following the step-by-step plan you have a chance to experience a surge in book sales, gain credibility, and remarkable audience growth.

Learn the art of effective message preparation, delivering your insights with authority, confidence, and ease, leaving the audience craving more from you.

Get ready to take the Media world by storm with Profitable Publicity!


What Authors Are Saying

Debbie Cunningham

Jazz Recording Artist & Author of Dancing in the Kitchen: Hope and Help for Staying in Love

“Profitable Publicity was an excellent course! Mary teaches you how to gain clarity on your intent and call to action for EVERY media opportunity, so you grow your audience and readership. You will learn to write a bio that is appealing to Media and relatable to their audience, so they want your expertise. Because when you understand it isn’t about your book but the value you bring to their audience, you will help more people and ultimately, sell more books. I highly recommend Profitable Publicity.”

Jenny Lisk

Award Winning Author, Future Widow

“I found Mary O’Donohue’s Profitable Publicity course super useful as a nonfiction author needing to up my media game. I especially found her E-I-E-I-O model a helpful way to frame my objective for each interview. Highly recommended!”

Gena Cox, PhD

Award Winning Author of Leading Inclusion

"Mary O’Donohue’s Profitable Publicity course delivered everything I needed to get a media mindset. I also learned how to have an optimal impact and tell a compelling origin story in media interviews. I use these skills weekly, especially since launching my nonfiction book.”

Empowering Women Nonfiction Authors for Media Success

Profitable Publicity is tailor-made for aspiring and published women nonfiction authors. Whether you're on the brink of publishing or already have books in the market, this program is a perfect fit—especially if you utilize TV, radio, and podcasts to boost book sales and expand your audience.


Nonfiction categories that command Media attention

  • self-help
  • how-to
  • memoir
  • finance
  • relationships
  • parenting
  • science
  • grief recovery
  • leadership
  • careers
  • negotiation


  • power
  • joy
  • visibility
  • music
  • art
  • sports
  • health
  • fitness
  • food
  • and more!


  • self-help
  • how-to
  • memoir
  • finance
  • relationships
  • parenting
  • science
  • grief recovery
  • leadership
  • careers
  • negotiation
  • power
  • joy
  • visibility
  • music
  • art
  • sports
  • health
  • fitness
  • food
  • and more!

Take the spotlight, clarify your message, and conquer the Media world with Profit Profitability.

Your journey to greatness starts here.


You are here to make a powerful impact with your book and message!

By joining Profitable Publicity, you will finally be able to consistently create impactful interviews, rooted in intention and strategically delivered to maximize your marketing. No more relying on hope for positive outcomes.

Your journey is about uplifting others, striving to create a better world. As an expert in your field, you embrace your role as a difference-maker and achiever, driven to impact lives positively. We understand the power of Media and encourage you to step into the spotlight, with your unique message of meaningful change.

A solid plan that will help you increase your:

  • Authority
  • Connection
  • Leadership
  • Credibility

With Profitable Publicity, you will have access to behind the scenes strategies that will elevate your media appearance and set you apart from the crowd.


What's the Price of Inaction?

Your Decision Awaits...

Choice #1

You can continue to struggle with book sales, having nice conversations on podcasts that don’t move the needle on book sales or help you stand out as the go-to expert in your field, or topic.

Choice #2

Join Profitable Publicity today and maximize the art of highly intentional and strategic media interviews. Stand out as THE sought-after expert in your field!

You chose #2, right?

Congratulations on choosing Option #2! You've taken the first step towards unlocking your true potential and achieving Media greatness.

Join Profitable Publicity and get ready to soar to new heights and embrace a journey filled with transformative Media  success!


Inside Profitable Publicity you will learn...

Five Keys to Turning Media Interviews Into Marketing Assets


Media is Marketing

  • How you can market your book and expertise in traditional Media to sell books, grow your audience, boost your credibility, and increase your impact.
  • Why media interviews should be marketing assets for your book, brand, and business.
  • How you can approach every media appearance to generate income.


  • How to stand out from most authors whose appearances are just "Random Acts of Media" that get no results or book sales.
  • The importance of having a specific intention for every media appearance.
  • The E-I-E-I-O System for creating profitable media interviews.
  • How to end your interview with an effective call to action.


  • How to be strategic with the first 15 seconds of your media appearance that can set the tone for your entire appearance.
  • Why using the Bio on the back of your book as your introduction can be a big mistake.
  • The highly strategic way to end your Media Bio that allows you to steer the interview in the direction you want to go.


  • Why your origin story should be Relatable to Remarkableℱ if you want to build a genuine connection between you and the audience.
  • The mistake one author made when telling his story that made it incoherent and confusing – and how you can avoid that pitfall in your appearances.
  • How long your origin story should be, so you won’t run out of time in your interview.
  • Why must you be in the "driver's seat" during your media appearances.


  • How to use wardrobe, props, and graphics to enhance your on-camera interviews.
  • The simple but highly effective way to calm your nerves when you arrive at a TV studio.
  • The exact steps to take when your media interview gets derailed that will quickly get your appearance back on track.
  • How to create positive transformations in the audience during your appearance so they'll want more from you!


  • A highly strategic approach I used that catapulted my book to #1 in Parenting and into Amazon’s top 100 out of millions of books
  • What I recommend you bring to every in-person media interview
  • The specific ways you can maximize your future media interviews to profit from publicity as few authors do, giving you the edge to get booked again and again over other less-strategic authors.

Amplify Your Voice in the Media with Profitable Publicity

Profitable Profitability Includes

6 Self-Paced Videos

Each lesson is also available in audio and transcription format, making it accessible for every learning style.

1 Guide for interviews

The Key to Guiding the Interviewer to Ask You the Right Questions

6 Downloadable fillable PDF worksheets

Easily track your progress and keep the results as a handy reference to prepare for your media appearances

2 Unique plans for success

  • Step-by-Step 5-Part Plan for Successful Media Interviews
  • The “E-I-E-I-O” System for Creating Profitable Publicity

Plus, these FREE strategic guides:

TV Taping Checklist & Timeline

  • Be ready to say YES when the TV producer calls and offers to book you on a newscast or talk show.
  • Step-by-Step timeline of what to expect at a TV studio.
  • Checklist of must-haves you need to bring to the TV studio so you'll look savvy and be cool, calm & ready!

Remote Interview Success Guide

  • Learn the 2 essential elements of a successful remote interview.
  • Be fully prepared for appearing on a podcast or TV show remotely.
  • Get tech-savvy trouble-shooting tips so your interview goes off without a hitch.

Discover the Path to Profitable Publicity

Become media ready, share your journey and help others hear your powerful message!

Full Payment


  • 6 Self-paced modules with video-audio and transcription - Foundations and Five Keys to turning media interviews Into Marketing Assets
  • 6 Downloadable fillable PDF worksheets
  • Unique: Step-by-Step 5-Part Plan for Successful Media Interviews
  • Unique: The “E-I-E-I-O” System for Creating Profitable Publicity
  • Unique: The Key to Guiding the Interviewer to Ask You the Right Questions
  • BONUS 1: TV Taping Checklist & Timeline
  • BONUS 2: Remote Interview Success Guide

Hello from

Mary O’Donohue

Hi there, fellow author!

I understand what you’re up against. You genuinely want to make a difference in other people’s lives so your poured your experiences and wisdom into a book. Now the book is in the marketplace competing against literally a million other new books. How can you stand out? What will set you apart?

I’m a unique Media Coach with unrivaled credentials.

With 12 seasons on The Oprah Winfrey Show, as a Post Producer and Associate Director, plus years on NBC Nightly News, The Today Show, and Meet the Press, and stints in local TV news and radio, I am the definition of a Media Insider.

But my decades of experience in Media haven’t all been behind the scenes. I am also a #1 bestselling author and parenting expert who has been featured in television, radio, print, and online interviews. A single media interview catapulted my book When You Say "Thank You, Mean It to bestseller status on Amazon in 12 hours, not only becoming #1 in Parenting (a massive category) but also breaking into the top 100 overall out of millions of books.

That’s right – one strategic media interview can turn your book into a bestseller.

As a media insider and bestselling author, I am uniquely qualified to teach you how to become the “go-to” expert in Media – and you don’t have to hire a publicist. Ever.

So let’s get your wisdom into the world.

Your book is just the beginning TM

Satisfaction guarantee for action takers

You get the entire course upfront, therefore no refunds are possible. If you take the course, do the worksheets, and implement what you learn, you will uplevel your media interviews. If you don’t open it or take no action, then you won‘t get results! Success will come if you show up, do the work and take action!

Full Payment


  • 6 Self-paced modules with video-audio and transcription - Foundations and Five Keys to turning media interviews Into Marketing Assets
  • 6 Downloadable fillable PDF worksheets
  • Unique: Step-by-Step 5-Part Plan for Successful Media Interviews
  • Unique: The “E-I-E-I-O” System for Creating Profitable Publicity
  • Unique: The Key to Guiding the Interviewer to Ask You the Right Questions
  • BONUS 1: TV Taping Checklist & Timeline
  • BONUS 2: Remote Interview Success Guide



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